Aqui está o resultado de várias noites sem dormir. O desafio
era grande e a cliente exigente, foi precisa uma grande dose de coragem para
embarcar nesta aventura!! :)
Este vestido foi um grande desafio, especialmente os
drapeados que nunca tinha feito, mas a persistência e a confiança que a cliente
depositou em mim não me deixaram desistir e no final ficou um belo vestido e a
cliente muito satisfeita.
Os brilhantes na cintura e na tira das costas dão um toque
de elegância e sofisticação que fazem dele uma peça muito especial.
Obrigada às minhas meninas por acreditarem sempre em mim!!!!
Here is the
result of many sleepless nights. The challenge was great and the customer
exigent, it took a great deal of courage to embark on this adventure!! :)
This dress was a big challenge, especially draperies that I had never done, but persistence and confidence that the customer placed in me would not let me give up and in the end it the dress was great and the client very satisfied.
The bright on the waist and on the back added a touch of elegance and sophistication that make it a very special piece.
Thank you to my girls for believing in me!!!!
This dress was a big challenge, especially draperies that I had never done, but persistence and confidence that the customer placed in me would not let me give up and in the end it the dress was great and the client very satisfied.
The bright on the waist and on the back added a touch of elegance and sophistication that make it a very special piece.
Thank you to my girls for believing in me!!!!