Este projeto de
refashion resultou na perfeição! O casaco inicial tinha um bom corte mas a
falta de tecido fez com que o resultado final não fosse o esperado!
O casaco
estava demasiado curto na lateral e não gostava nada do forro a aparecer na
gola, por isso, para poder retificar a forma de apertar tive que o transformar
num casaco curto.
comprei mais tecido por isso tive que reutilizar o que tinha, a parte cortada
em baixo não era suficiente para fazer a parte da frente e aí chegou o momento
de improvisar! :P
Os painéis
frontais têm vários cortes e criei uma espécie de cinto para conseguir a altura
necessária. Alguns dos detalhes como a nervura no cinto improvisado e a gola e
punhos em pelo, dão um acabamento espetacular ao casaco!! Um
verdadeiro Sweet Black!!!
This refashion project resulted in perfection! The initial coat had a nice
cut but the lack of tissue caused the end result not to be as expected!
The coat was too short on the side and I didn’t like the lining appearing on the collar, to make it nicely I had to make a short coat.
I did not buy more fabric so I had to reuse what I had. The part cut from the bottom was not enough to make the front, it was time to improvise! :P
The front panels have several cuts and I created a kind of belt to achieve the required height. Some of the details as the rib at the belt and the fur collar and cuffs, gives a very nice finish to the coat !! A true Sweet Black !!!
The coat was too short on the side and I didn’t like the lining appearing on the collar, to make it nicely I had to make a short coat.
I did not buy more fabric so I had to reuse what I had. The part cut from the bottom was not enough to make the front, it was time to improvise! :P
The front panels have several cuts and I created a kind of belt to achieve the required height. Some of the details as the rib at the belt and the fur collar and cuffs, gives a very nice finish to the coat !! A true Sweet Black !!!
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